Merzhyievskyi, V. V., Senior Research Officer; Ponomarova, Y. O., Ist Category Translator (SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»)
In order to improve the national terminology in the industry and simultaneously to coordinate it with international terms, we propose to the Ukrainian motor transport community to take part in compilation of specialized translation dictionary. The magazine «Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrainy», as indicated in the No 1 (253) 2018, have opened a new section, «Automotive Industry Dictionary», intended to publish our draft definitions of the most controversial terms in Ukrainian, with comments on their formation and scope and corresponding terms in other languages.
Please, send your remarks and ideas by email indicating «Automotive Industry Dictionary» in the subject line to:
1. Pro okhoronu atmosfernoho povitria [On Air Protection]. Law of Ukraine (1992). Available at:
2. Pro zatverdzhennia Tekhnichnoho rehlamentu zasobiv vymiriuvalnoi tekhniky [On approval of the Technical Regulations of Measuring Instruments]. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2016). Available at:п.
3. Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku provedennia oboviazkovoho tekhnichnoho kontroliu ta obsiahy perevirky tekhnichnoho stanu transportnykh zasobiv [On approval of the procedure for mandatory technical inspection and the scope of checking roadworthiness of vehicles]. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2012). Available at:п.
4. GOST Ohrana prirody. Atmosfera. Vybrosy dvigatelej avtomobilej, traktorov, samohodnyh sel’skohozjajstvennyh i stroitel’no-dorozhnyh mashin. Terminy i opredelenija [Nature protection. Atmosphere. Terms and definitions of emission from motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural machinery and road-building vehicles].
5. Dictionary of the Ukrainian language: in 11 volumes. Vol. 1, 1970. p. 27. Available at:
6. DSTU 3966: 2009 Terminolohichna robota. Zasady I pravyla rozroblennia standartiv na terminy ta vyznachennia poniat [Terminology. Principles and working out procedure of standards for terms and definitions].