Article 2 # 4’2018

Koval`ov, S. O., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Research Officer (SE «State Road Transport Research Institute») 

Abstract. The expediency and advantages of using gas motor fuels, in particular, liquefied petroleum gas with respect to traditional liquid motor fuels, are shown. Technical solutions for the use of liquefied petroleum gas by diesel engines are presented and analysed. The expediency and advantages of converting diesel engines to gas spark ignition internal combustion engines with respect to conversion to gas diesel engines. Developed by the Ukrainian synthesis technology Avenir Gaz has for converting diesel engines to gas internal combustion engines with spark ignition. According to the synthesis technology of Avenir Gaz, re-equipment of diesel engines of vehicles is carried out on the basis of the universal electronic control system for gas internal combustion engines, which is based on the multifunctional electronic microprocessor control unit Avenir Gaz 37. The developed electronic microprocessor control system for gas internal combustion engines with forced ignition has a modular structure and consists of two main and a number of additional subsystems. A schematic diagram of a universal electronic control system of a gas internal combustion engine with spark ignition for operation on liquefied petroleum gas is presented. The principle of operation of the main subsystems, which include the subsystem of power management and injection of liquefied petroleum gas by gas electromagnetic injectors into the intake manifold of a gas engine, and the principle of operation of the control subsystem of the ignition with two-spark ignition coils are described. A multifunctional electronic control unit Avenir Gaz 37 has been designed and manufactured. Non-motorized tests of the electronic control unit confirmed its performance.
Based on the synthesis technology of Avenir Gaz using the universal electronic control system for gas internal combustion engines with the Avenir Gaz 37 ECU, the D-240 diesel engine was converted into a gas spark ignition internal combustion engine of the D-240-LPG model.
Keywords: gas internal combustion engine with forced ignition, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), electronic microprocessor control system for gas internal combustion engines, vehicles operating on LPG.

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