Article 1 # 4’2018

Redziuk, A. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Director;

Klymenko, O. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Deputy Head of Research Laboratory of Fuels and Environment, Deputy Head on Scientific and Technological Development of Road Vehicle Testing Centre (SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»)

Abstract. The substantiation for the necessity for development and proposals for the formation of a state strategy for improving an energy efficiency of road transport are presented. They are based in particular on the results of retrospective analysis and projections of energy consumption and СО2 emissions by road transport in Ukraine for the period up to 2050 under different scenarios of socio-economic development and variants of state regulation in this area.
The international obligations of Ukraine in this area are considered within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states.
It is proved that these international obligations of Ukraine will not be fulfilled without the prompt introduction of a set of effective measures to reduce specific energy consumption in road transport sector of the economy. And hence there is a need for corresponding state strategy, which should determine in which way, at the expense of which resources, and at what price will Ukraine guarantee fulfillment of specified engagements at a stated time.
The results of the reconstruction of energy consumption, CO2 and “local” toxic pollutants emissions in Ukraine by road transport during 1990-2015 are presented.
Estimates of reserves (potential) for reduction of energy consumption by road transport in Ukraine are given.
The analysis (structure) of possible measures to reduce energy consumption by road transport is given.
Economic restrictions on investing in the development of road transport infrastructure and introduction of the latest technologies are considered.
The proposals regarding solving the problem of accelerated renewal of Ukrainian road transport fleet on more energy efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles are outlined.
Keywords: road transport, energy efficiency.


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