© Oleg Ivanov, Ph.D in Engineering,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of Construction
and Professional Education,
ORCID: 0000-0002-1761-9913,
e-mail: oleg.ivanov@pdau.edu.ua;
© Oleksiy Burlaka, Ph.D in Engineering,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of Agricultural Engineer-ing and Automobile transport,
ORCID: 0000-0002-2296-7234,
e-mail: oleksii.burlaka@pdau.edu.ua;
© Anton Kelemesh, Ph.D in Engineering,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of Agricultural
Engineering and Automobile transport,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9429-8570,
e-mail: anton.kelemesh@pdau.edu.ua;
© Ruslan Kharak, Ph.D in Engineering,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering,
ORCID: 0000-0002-6131-8501,
e-mail: ruslan.kharak@pdau.edu.ua
(Poltava State Agrarian University)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-3-280-29-36
Abstract. The task of the research is to determine the static and dynamic characteristics of a tractor diesel when using a special hydraulic corrector in its fuel supply system. It is use to change the initial phase period of fuel injection into diesel cylinders for each fuel injection line. The developed hydraulic corrector is a body with a movable rod with an annular groove in the central part. The movement of the rod occurs with the help of a power electromagnet. The hydraulic correc-tor itself is a blocking element and blocks the fuel supply to the injector for a certain period. The duration of this period depends on the need to change the injection start time. Its installation does not require significant structural changes to the fuel system. Location – near the nozzle. To determine the efficiency of this hydraulic corrector, it is necessary to con-duct a complex of non-motorized and motorized studies. In the course of these studies, the advantage of using an experi-mental fuel supply system with a distribution fuel pump without a mechanical centrifugal clutch for advanced fuel injec-tion was determined. According to the results of comparative motorless studies, there is an improvement in the parame-ters of fuel supply in a wide range of changes in the frequency of rotation of the camshaft of the injection pump. There is a decrease in the fuel injection phase by 20…30%, an increase in the maximum injection pressure by 30…40 MPa, an in-crease in the average injection pressure by 10…20%.
In addition, the use of this hydraulic corrector allows you to improve the quality of the transient acceleration mode of the 6ChN13/11.5 diesel engine by reducing the transition time to a new speed mode and improving the parameters of the air supply system. In particular, the duration of the stabilization of the rotation frequencies of the crankshaft and the rotor of the turbocompressor in the new stable mode of operation is reduced by an average of 10-12%, there is no clear read-justment of the operating parameters; a decrease in the normalization time of the turbocharger rotation frequency by 0.1s, a decrease in the temperature of the exhaust gases by 25°C and an increase in the boost pressure by 30% with an increase in the air supply to 540 m3/h were noted. The obtained results convincingly confirm the effectiveness and expe-diency of using the proposed hydraulic corrector for the modernization of the fuel systems of the auto-tractor diesel en-gine without significant structural changes in its fuel system.
Keywords: hydraulic correction, fuel injection advance angle, electric control, crankshaft rotation frequency, turbo-charger, diesel, fuel supply parameters.
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