© Hennadii Ptytsia, Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
at the Department of Traffic Management and Safety,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5061-014,
e-mail: gennadij.ptitsa@ukr.net;
© Ludmila Abramova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Traffic Management and Safety, ORCID: 0000-0003-1182-9618,
e-mail: abramova_ls@ukr.net;
© Nataliya Ptytsia, Сandidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Transport Systems and Logistics Department,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4559-7651,
e-mail: nataliya.ptitsa@gmail.com;
(Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-3-280-19-28
Abstract. The current state of the bicycle infrastructure in Ukraine is being examined based on the definition of ecological and social component of road traffic efficiency. Identified directions of development and proposed measures for planning bike paths, taking into account the existing transport network of cities. The paper provides fundamental principles of individual mobility for the population, which must align with the basic principles of general urban mobility, namely: safety, directness, continuity, connectivity, attractiveness, and convenience. A thorough analysis of the bicycle movement in the city Kharkiv has been conducted, including the determination of respondents’ attitudes towards the creation bike lanes. Based on statistical data on the fluctuation of respondents’ travel distances within the city, a description of this process was provided according to the normal distribution law. This approach allows determining the main parameters of the city’s modern bike structure. Using specialized software STREETMIX, the modeling of technical solutions for the development of infrastructure for active individual mobility at a main street in Kharkiv was carried out. Five possible solutions for changing the transverse profile of the street were simulated, taking into account the paths of connection for active individual mobility. The obtained average daily increase in street capacity by 12,000 passengers per hour allows asserting the effectiveness of the proposed options for the development of infrastructure for active individual mobility on the respective routes of the city of Kharkiv. The expediency of implementing measures for individual mobility of the popu-lation is substantiated based on determining a comprehensive indicator for assessing the quality of road traffic.
Keywords: cycling infrastructure, traffic safety, population mobility indicators, planning solutions, transport network.
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