Article 1 # 3'2024

© Lyudmyla Gorpyniuk, Advisor to the Deputy Director for Research,
ORCID: 0009-0002-6344-4277, e-mail:;
© Serhii Taraban, PhD, head of department of transport safety research, issues of normalization, standardization and metrology,
ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-7369, e-mail:;
© Fedir Bregida, PhD, head of department of research and regulatory support in the field of technical operation of road vehicles,
ORCID: 0000-0002-9611-6205, e-mail:;
© Serhii Variukhno, engineer of department
of transport safety research, issues of normalization, standardization and metrology, ORCID: 0000-0001-7854-7418,
© Maryna Mykhailova, engineer of department
of transport safety research, issues of normalization, standardization and metrology, ORCID: 0009-0001-5924-5630,
e mail:
(State Enterprise «State Road Transport Research Institute»)

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-3-280-2-11

Abstract. An analysis of the experience of ensuring accessibility to driving vehicles for persons with disabilities was car-ried out on the example of countries such as the Republic of Poland, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germa-ny and the United States of America. The stages of admission to driving vehicles, which is generally typical for all coun-tries (not only the European Union, but also other developed countries of the world), are given – from the intention to a person obtaining the right to drive a vehicle (driver’s license).
On the example of the countries of the world, the existing programs are considered, due to which a person with a disability can be partially (or fully) compensated for the costs of completing a training course to obtain the right to drive a vehicle (driver’s license) and (or) conversion of a vehicle.
The features of the admission of persons with disabilities to training for obtaining a driver’s license are described, which consists in establishing the ability to drive a vehicle taking into account physical limitations. This is the stage of consul-tation with a doctor who conducts an appropriate examination and assesses the possibility of a person being allowed to drive a vehicle.
Regarding the specifics of training for persons with disabilities, it should be noted that such training is carried out in a specialized educational institution. At the same time, it is the specifics of the practical training course that give the educational institution the status of a specialized educational institution (the instructors of such an institution have special knowledge and training, and the vehicles are adapted for training people with disabilities).
Innovative technologies available today in transport that can increase the mobility of people (including those with disabilities) and expand their opportunities for movement are considered.
Keywords: a driver with a disability, accessibility, driving a vehicle, training, a person with a disability.

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