Article 10 # 2'2024

© Viktor Zolotaryov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Engineering (Dr.), Professor of the Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-2132-9289,
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-2-279-86-99

Abstract. Currently, there are two systems for assessing the quality of road bitumen: European – penetration and American SHRP-SUPERPAVE. The first is based on empirical, the second on rheological indicators. They are considered to be incompatible. The present work proposes a convergent system. This is based on the following postulates: penetration characterizes the resistance of bitumen to shear; at softening point temperature penetration is 800 0.1 mm, and at breaking one is 1.25 0.1 mm; the penetration dependence on temperature in this range is logarithmic. It is shown that the convergent (generalized) system can be supplemented by the median temperature of the plasticity interval and equal shear temperature. The values of these indicators are interconnected within all 37 PG zones.
Keywords: indicators, modifications, road bitumen, penetration, polymers, SHRP-SUPERPAVE systems.

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