© Valentyna Olishevska, Ph. D.,
Associate Professor of Automobiles
and Automobile Economy Department,
ORCID: 0000-0002-3098-1351,
е-mail: olishevska.v.ye@nmu.one,
© Hennadiy Olishevskiy, Ph. D.,
Associate Professor of Electric Power
Engineering Department,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9576-7527,
е-mail: olishevskyi.h.s@nmu.one
(Dnipro University of Technology)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-2-279-35-44
Abstract. Analysis of modern trends in the development of road transport has been carried out, which reveals that the sales of electric cars in the world are growing annually. China, the USA, and the European Union can be considered the leaders in terms of sales volume. Ukraine is among the top ten leaders in terms of the growth rate of electric vehicles. The expediency of replacing cars with an internal combustion engine by electric cars has been considered. Electric vehicles are a relevant topic for the strategic development of automotive companies and auto enterprises in Ukraine. The analysis shows that the problems of motor transport enterprises are primarily related to significant physical wear of the rolling stock. However, the high cost of electric cars, compared to traditional cars with an internal combustion engine, is a significant problem that inhibits the transition of enterprises to electric vehicles. The current work reports a study aimed at investigating the modern capabilities of enterprises and the use of electric vehicles.
An automated procedure for calculating the rational number of rolling stock at an enterprise has been devised, which makes it possible to conduct a study of changes in costs depending on the composition of the company’s cars, which provides technical and economic arguments and facilitates understanding for making a decision about the rational rolling stock of the enterprise under the difficult conditions of transition to electric vehicles.
The scientific novelty of this work relates to the improvement of methodical approaches to improve the resource saving of the enterprise through the selection of rational options for the distribution of rolling stock − cars with an internal combustion engine and electric vehicles.
The practical significance of the reported results is the development of an automated procedure for calculating the rational number of rolling stock at an enterprise.
Clear recommendations are given regarding options for the development of motor vehicle enterprises, which could reduce the costs of operating cars and increase the competitiveness of enterprises under the conditions of the economic crisis, shortage of energy resources, and intensive environmental pollution.
Keywords: car with an internal combustion engine, electric vehicle, rational rolling stock of enterprises, automated procedure, costs for the purchase and operation of cars.
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