© Andriy Kashkanov, Doctor of Technical Sci-ence, Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3294-6135,
e-mail: a.kashkanov@gmail.com;
© Oleh Palchevskyi, Post-Graduate Student, Faculty of Automobiles and Transport Man-agement
ORCID: 0000-0003-3171-2740,
e-mail: palchevskyi.o@gmail.com
(Vinnytsia National Technical University)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2024-2-279-2-11
Abstract. The continuous growth of population in large cities, the intensive development of the economy, and the rising number of vehicles on the roads lead to the overload of transportation networks, resulting in traffic congestion. These congestions cause significant delays in movement, increase time and fuel consumption, and also have a negative impact on the environment. To address this problem in large cities, it is worthwhile to implement intelligent traffic flow management systems. The variability of methodologies underlying these systems significantly differs depending on their initial purpose. However, the resources of such individual methodologies deplete over time, necessitating the search for and implementation of new ones. The rapid loss of efficiency in such systems is rooted in the absence of a centralized node facilitating communication between systems and managing them. In other words, combining intelligent methodologies into a unified system can be useful in the creation of efficient and dynamic traffic flow management systems with significantly greater re-sources. Such an approach to organizing an intelligent traffic flow management system for the city’s transpor-tation network has been considered in this work. During the research, a brief overview of approaches to improv-ing the efficiency of the city’s transportation network along key directions was conducted. The structure, princi-ples, and ways of forming a robust integrated system for managing the traffic flow were outlined. This system consists of subsystems based on effective optimization and organization methodologies for traffic processes. The effectiveness of tested methodologies that meet the needs of such an integrated system was also discussed and evaluated.
Keywords: intelligent transportation systems, traffic congestion, comprehensive approach, adaptive traffic light control, traffic prediction, Internet of things.
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