Article 2 #1'2024

© Andrii Lukianenko, Attorney at law, Head of the Committee on Transport Law of UNBA, ORCID: 0009-0004-0050-0926, e-mail:

Delegation of a Driver to the Territory of Poland: Main Aspects and Problems

Abstract. In this scientific article, the main aspects and problems related to the process of delegation of drivers to the territory of Poland from a third country are investigated and analyzed. The study focuses on a thorough analysis of the legal, economic and socio-cultural context that defines this process. The article examines the impact of Polish legislation on delegation mechanisms, and also highlights important aspects of the efficiency and security of this process. Additional emphasis is placed on interaction between motor carriers and delegated drivers, as well as on solving possible challenges and problems that arise before the above-mentioned subjects of this process. The article provides practical recommendations for improving the management of delegated personnel and ensuring the effective functioning of this process in the context of the Polish labor market. This study can be useful for Ukrainian trucking companies, academics and legislators interested in improving the system of delegation of workers and solving related challenges. Poland, as a member state of the European Union and a strategic hub of transport routes, plays an important role in the system of international transportation. However, despite these advantages, there are numerous problems faced by drivers and companies carrying out delegation to the territory of Poland from a third country. The article analyzes the basic aspects, challenges and socio-cultural problems that are directly related to the delegation of the driver to the above-mentioned country. On the basis of this analysis, the Ukrainian truck carrier is offered specific algorithms to solve this problem. Keywords: truck carrier, driver, delegation of a driver from a third country, Poland.


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