Article 1 #1'2024

© Serhii Taraban, Ph.D., Head of Department of Transport Safety Research, Issues of Normalization, Standardization and Metrology,
ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-7369, e-mail:;
© Mykhailo Bezrodnyi, Head of Quality Management and Management System Certification Department,
ORCID: 0000-0002-9005-5624, e-mail:;
© Andrii Voloshyn, Engineer of Department of Transport Safety Research, Issues of Normalization, Standardization and Metrology,
ORCID: 0009-0001-1639-8063, e-mail:;
© Maryna Mykhailova, Engineer of Department of Transport Safety Research, Issues of Normalization, Standardization and Metrology,
ORCID: 0009-0001-5924-5630, e-mail:
(State Enterprise «State Road Transport Research Institute»)

Standardization as an Integral Component of the Quality Management System in an Enterprise

Abstract. It was conducted an analysis of the impact of standardization, as an integral and important component of the quality management system of the State Enterprise “State Road Transport Research Institute”, on the enterprise’s scientific and industrial-and-economic activities, in particular from the viewpoint of maintaining its competitiveness on the of road transport services market. Standardization, as a type of the State Road Transport Research Institute’s activity, is aimed at achieving the optimal degree of orderliness in the regulatory support of the enterprise’s activities. In accordance with its Policy, the enterprise ensures high-quality performance of work by providing services that meet customer requirements and also applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. It has been considered the standardization activity in the State Road Transport Research Institute, which can be conditionally presented in four separate directions. The first direction is, in general, theorganizational work for standardization. This also includes work on the development of normative documents of the enterprise, as well as national standards harmonized with international ones, and revision of current normative documents. Another direction is related to maintaining and updating the fund of normative documents of the enterprise, including the fund of normative documents of the Inland Transport Committee of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. And finally, important from the point of view of the enterprise’s image, the direction of agency activity and also the activity of the Secretariat of the Technical Committee of Standardization TC 80 “Road transport”, the functions of which is entrusted to State Road Transport Research Institute.
Keywords: standardization, quality management system, normative documents, fund of normative documents, technical committee of standardization.

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