© Tatiana Tereshchenko, Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Ph. D.), Senior Research Officer,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5206-9921
e-mail: chemistry@dorndi.org.ua
N.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-4-276-29-38
Abstract. The texture of a road pavement surface and its skid resistance which concerns its ability to resist the vehicle wheel skidding have been accepted worldwide as the road safety criterion. These characteristics are interconnected in that the texture affects the skid resistance.
The goal of the paper is to carry out the comparative analysis of valid road safety and performance parameters and its dependence on the road pavement surface texture and the comparative analysis of international and regional standard methods of road surface texture and skid resistance measurements covering methods acceptable for the road network survey.
The main principles of the road pavement surface texture categorization were analyzed with its ranging as micro-, macro- and megatexture where the microtexture parameters sufficiently influence adhesion between pavement and tire especially in wet conditions. It was stated also that the macro- and megatexture parameters govern the rolling resistance and dynamic effect where the last is attributable to the comparable dimensions of the megatexture wavelength and the tire footprint and also affects the increase in loading that may be equal to the additive ESALs up to 40 %. The high-range wavelength roughness exceeding λ = 500 mm should be viewed as the road surface unevenness, as the feature negatively governing the vehicle road-holding ability.
Also the contemporary high-performance techniques and methods for the road pavement surface skid resistance determination were reviewed and it was shown that these method and the according equipment should be divided as performing the longitudinal friction measurements or the side-way force measurements to be carried out under conditions that allow the investigators to distinguish the contribution made by the road pavement surface characteristics to the friction force.
The possibilities of the usage of the results of the mathematical analysis of the road surface profile survey were analyzed separately and it was shown that the power spectral density can be accepted as a valid parameter for non-direct estimation of the road surface texture through international roughness index IRI.
Keywords: road pavement, surface texture, profilometer, skid resistance, slid angle, friction coefficient, international roughness index.
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