© Oleg Zagurskiy, D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department Transport Technologies and Facilities in the Agroindustrial Complex, ORCID: 0000-0002-5407-8466,
e-mail: zagurskiy_oleg@ukr.net, National University of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-4-276-10-15
Abstract. Allocating a certain territory for transportation, logistics and distribution of goods involves spatial planning and infrastructure rationalization. The decisions regarding the geographical location of the logistics center itself and its structural elements are extremely important, because their impact on the indicators of its activity is long-term. And if mis-take is made during the construction of production or logistics facilities, and this or that facility is placed in an unfortu-nate place, then to correct the situation (moving to a new, better place), a large amount of material, financial, labor and other resources will be needed, which will lead to to the loss of customers, time, freezing of capital and, accordingly, a decrease in the competitiveness of enterprises, industries, countries, etc. The work summarizes the criteria for choosing the location of the logistics center and reviews practices for making decisions about its optimal location, substantiating proposals for choosing the best method. Making a decision about choosing the optimal location of a logistics center is a very difficult economic and mathemat-ical task, because decision-makers have to rationalize the combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, the mass of factors and the trade-offs between them on the basis of socio-economic, political and geographical criteria and the condi-tion of the motor transport infrastructure. When choosing the optimal location of the logistics center, it is proposed to apply the method of analytical hierarchy (AI), which includes procedures for synthesizing many statements, obtaining the priority of criteria and finding alternative solutions.
Keywords: multi-criteria models, hierarchical structure, logistics center, routing, motor transport infrastructure.
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