© Petro Kyslovskyi, Deputy Head of Division,
ORCID: 0000-0001-8495-7130,
e-mail: pkyslovskyy@insat.org.ua,
SE “State Road Transport Research Institute”;
© Mykola Yashchenko, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Motor Ve-hicle Maintenance and Service, ORCID: 0000-0003-2418-1910,
e-mail: y_n_m@ukr.net, National Transport University;
© Valentyn Yashchenko, Engineer,
ORCID: 0000-0002-3501-6227,
e-mail: vyashchenko@insat.org.ua,
SE “State Road Transport Research Institute”
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-3-275-56-61
Abstract. The article shows two different approaches to the development of charging infrastructure. The first ap-proach of expanding charging network proposes an average use of the charging point of about 5 percent. This approach focuses on the rapid creation of slow AC charging points (5-22 kW). However, low network utilization is not economically viable in the long term and limits investment by private companies.
The second approach to network development is more usage-oriented, where charging points should be used with-in 15%. Also, the difference is fast charging with direct current (50-300 kW). Such a network develops more slowly, being restricted to major transport corridors; but in the future it looks more attractive, and this approach is currently domi-nant in the countries of the European Union.
Methodology. The article uses the approach of comparing two ways of deploying the charging infrastructure at dif-ferent loads of one charging point and different power of the charging device.
Goal. Possible creation of a charging network under the conditions of an acceptable load of one charging point.
Originality. The article proposes an approach that allows using a charging station as a tool for increasing the de-mand for electric vehicles.
Practical value. Existing legislation of the European Union on increasing environmental safety of vehicles, pro-vides possible background for installing chargers within the largest roads of the Kyiv region. It is necessary, because number of electric vehicles could stay low without charging infrastructure available.
Keywords: motor vehicle, electric vehicle, charging point, charging infrastructure, location of charging station, power of charging point, the cost of connecting a charging station.
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