© Lubomyr Kraynyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-9126, e-mail: l.kraynyk@gmail.com,
JSC «Ukrautobusprom»;
© Dmytro Ruban, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-0671-3226,
e-mail: ruban_dimon@ukr.net
Lviv National University of Environmental Management
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-3-275-50-56
Abstract. The results of research indicating how the physical and mechanical properties of public transport bus bodies change during operation are shown. The regularities of reducing the thickness of the load-bearing elements of the body frame depending on the mileage and service life of buses are presented. The results of simulation modeling of the com-pliance of the bus with the UNECE Rules № 66 with a service life of 8 years, indicate the unacceptable further exploitation of such a bus. Such a bus has increased deformations of the racks during rollover and does not provide proper living space for the cabin. It is proved that in Ukraine the technical control of buses regarding their technical condition in ac-cordance with the existing regulatory framework has a formal approach using visual control methods. On the basis of review and analysis of the current situation in the sector of safety of passenger transportation by bus public transport and studies of changes in the strength of bus bodies during operation, the main provisions of the formation of technical control are presented as well as the corresponding changes – updating State standard of Ukraine 3649: 2010 ‘Wheeled vehicles. Requirements for safe technical condition and control methods’. The proposed provisions provide for the control of bodies during operation to be carried out taking into account the European regulatory framework and features of operation in Ukraine. With such controls it is proposed to use progressive means of assessing the deterioration of the thickness of the walls of load-bearing racks of the frame and their physical and mechanical properties. This way will al-low for a reliable assessment of the technical condition of bus bodies which will ensure the proper technical condition of buses and its passive safety throughout the entire service life.
Key words: safety, bus, technical control, body, corrosion, fatigue strength, standard.
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