Article 4 # 3'2023

© Ihor Vasylenko, Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Air Transportation Management Department, ORCID: 0000-0002-4270-188X,
National Aviation University
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-3-275-31-35

Abstract. The scientific paper is devoted to the study of the sources and consequences of emerging risks in the organisation of delivery of special cargoes in road-air transport. A critical analysis of scientific research on the occurrence of risks in road transport of cargo, as well as in the interaction of transport modes has re-vealed the lack of a comprehensive study on the analysis of sources and consequences of risks in multimodal de-livery involving road transport
In order to achieve the aim of identifying the sources and implications of risks in the special cargo deliv-ery organisation in road and air transport, the scheme of sources and consequences of risks in organising the special cargo delivery by road and air transport was proposed. The scheme was described and characterised in detail. A critical analysis of risk management methods has made it possible to assert that each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the scope of practical use, which is most appropriate. A typification of managerial decisions was also carried out and an assessment of the possible consequences of risk situations in the organisation of delivery of special cargoes in the road-air transport was carried out, with allocation of methods, managerial decisions, determination of possibilities of practical implementation, as well as the rele-vant consequences.
A detailed description of risk transfer methods has made it possible to talk about their limited use in the delivery of special categories of cargo, since not all types of risks are transferable. The considerable limitations of the insurance instrument are noted, since not all types of cargo can be insured. The active use of risk reten-tion methods can be economically feasible only if the probability of a risk situation occurring is low and is mostly associated with additional costs.
Keywords: risks, delivery, special cargo, connection, consequences, costs.

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