Article 1 # 3'2023

© Alla Novikova, Doctor of Economics (D. Sc.),
Head of the Research Center of Complex Transport Problems,
ORCID: 0000-0002-7165-8673;
© Zoia Dehtiar, Chief of Department Legisla-tive Support Implementation International Transport Agreements,
ORCID: 0000-0003-4083-3712
SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-3-275-2-10

Abstract. The article describes the system of the access to the road transport market in the European Union. Gen-eral principles of European legislative regulation are described. The main requirements for the road carrier, the history of the issue for 20 years is considered: the strengthening of the requirements concerning the occupation of road transport operator through Directives 96/26/EC, Regulation 1071/2009/EC, Regulation 2020/1055/EC and other regu-lations. The basic requirements for a good repute, financial standing and professional competence are described. Risk classification of the road transport enterprises is discussed.
The history of legislative initiatives regarding the implementation of European legislation for the road carriage market in Ukraine is presented. The list of normative legal acts that must be developed for the implementation rules for access to the road transport market in Ukraine has been defined.
Keywords: European Union, directive, regulation, market access, good repute, financial standing, manager, certifi-cate of professional competence, electronic register, risk rating.

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