Article 6 № 2'2023

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© Olexander Krasnoshtan, PhD,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9866-9930,
National Transport University

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-2-274-42-47

Abstract. The proposed concept of the survivability of the transport system as one of the important indicators of the functioning of the transport system in the conditions of emergency situations of a military, natural and manmade nature. The list of factors influencing the specified indicator of the transport system was analyzed and a list of measures aimed at increasing this indicator was proposed.
The increase in the intensity of the combat use of air and space attack means and changes in the enemy’s views on the conduct of war, in particular the use of terrorist methods of attack on civilian transport infrastructure objects with the aim of intentionally causing damage and hindering the functioning of the transport system, require a significant review of issues related to the implementation of basic transport functions and ensuring a continuous transport process. The list of measures to increase the security and survivability of the transport system related to complex systems, ensuring its stability and, in particular, survivability, also require additional study.
Keywords: transport system, system survivability, measures to increase system survivability.

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