Article 3 № 2'2023

View in PDF: 03_Brehida&Ko

© Fedir Bregida, PhD, Head of Department, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-9611-6205;
© Andriy Horpyniuk, PhD, Head of the Center for Scientific Research in the Field of Transport Safety, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-6899-9469;
© Andriy Danko, Deputy Head of Department, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0001-6442-8012;
© Valentyn Merzhievsky, Senior Researcher, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-4247-0687 SE “State Road Transport Research Institute”

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-2-274-21-27

Abstract. In the past, Ukraine’s transport vehicles and their maintenance systems were state-owned. The government had vehicles that were organized into large groups of the same brand for operational purpos-es, and the planned economy created conditions for the emergence of maintenance and repair systems for transport enterprises and specialized repair enterprises (overhauling cars, engines, and other components). The quality of repair with disassembly of components for repair and random assembly of them on the conveyor was low. These factors had a negative impact on the evaluation of the feasibility (importance) of the system for years. Even in educational institutions today, it is often said that it is not advisable to create such a system because “such a system is not mandatory in the European Union.” Such a view would not be so misleading if we had a majority of technical service enterprises that are adapted to current market conditions, that strive for repair quality, not just survival. On one hand, Ukraine has created a system for admitting vehicles to the market, but periodically takes unjustified steps to reduce tech-nical regulation requirements for the import and registration of vehicles, seemingly forgetting the need for their systematic technical maintenance and repair. The basis for such a system in terms of operation is the manufacturer’s requirements, which are regu-lated both in the EU and in other countries. The changes in the EU’s acquis over the last 60 years have been studied. The analysis shows that it is necessary to regulate vertical and horizontal agreements in the automo-tive sector and to introduce technical regulation regarding the requirements for the technical maintenance and repair system of vehicles.
Keywords: manufacturer, authorized repairer, non-authorized repairer, system features, horizontal agreements, vertical agreements, additional instructions, mandatory requirements.

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