Article 1 № 2'2023

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© Kostiantyn Zharov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Center of Conformity Assessment of Vehicles and Researches of the Technical Regulation System, ORCID: 0000-0003-0552-5239,
© Serhiy Gutarevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow of the De-partment of Conformity Assessment of Parts and Equipment for Vehicles, ORCID: 0000-0003-1589-5604,
© Roman Symonenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Center of Researches of Complex Problems in Transport,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4269-5707,
© Anton Lisoval, 1st Category Engineer of the Department of Researches of the Technical Regulation System, e-mail:
SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2023-2-274-2-11

Abstract. The article presents the main indicators of the functioning of the vehicle market of Ukraine, fo-cusing mainly on the risks related to road traffic safety and the negative impact on the environment depending on the structure of this market, in particular in such aspects as the share of new vehicles, the share of vehicles equipped with electrified power plants, age structure. A comparative analysis of these indicators of the Ukrain-ian market and the EU market is also provided.
In particular shown that in 2013, more than half of the market of Ukraine consisted of new vehicles. But during 2019-2021 most of the vehicles imported into Ukraine are those that have been in use for more than 10 years.
Since 2014, the segment of the used vehicles market has been the largest among other segments of the Ukrainian vehicle market.
As for the vehicles equipped with electrified power plants the article shows that in some EU member states, in 2021, the share of electrified cars on the market of these states exceeded half. In Ukraine, on the other hand, this indicator was about 3,5% in the 1st quarter of 2021, which indicates that Ukraine is more than 10 times behind the EU in terms of the transition to alternative power plants. This indicator is the lowest among all EU member states.
The main differences between the procedures related to the placing on the market of new vehicles and ve-hicles that were in use were analyzed.
The article also examines factors, including legislative changes, that have affected the structure of the ve-hicle market. The dynamics of changes in the share of national products on the Ukrainian vehicle market, as well as the structure of the Ukrainian segment of the passenger car market that were in use, were analyzed.
Recommendations are provided regarding regulatory measures aimed at reducing risks in terms of road safety and environmental protection related to the structure of the Ukrainian vehicle market.
Keywords: vehicle market, electrified power plants, vehicles of national production, import volumes, market segment, design approval, roadworthiness.

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