© Petro Kyslovskyi, Deputy Head of the Department, ORCID: 0000-0001-8495-7130, e-mail: pkyslovskyy@insat.org.ua;
© Valentyn Yashchenko, engineer, ORCID: 0000-0002-3501-6227, e-mail: vyashchenko@insat.org.ua
SE «DerzhavtotransNDIproekt»
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-4-272-21-25
Abstract. The article considers the prospective use of «smart» charging on electric vehicles, its cost-effectiveness and impact on environment. Today, the main problem of an electric car is the low capacity of the battery, which primarily affects the range of the trip. The owner of the most popular electric car Nissan LEAF can drive only about three hundred kilometers after a full charge. In addition, charging will last about six hours on average. When using «smart» charging, the car is charged at home using a regular outlet. But with a significant increase in the number of chargers in the city, the load on the power grid increases. Similarly, the tariff for payment of electricity increases because it is necessary to use all the capacities of power plants.
Methodology. The article uses the approach of comparing the conditions of electricity use at different time frames and different placement of the charging device.
Goal. To find possible ways of faster charging of an electric car under the conditions of the least load on the power grid. At the same time, it is worth maintaining a balance between the convenience of charging an electric car and the cost of electricity.
Originality. The article proposes an approach that allows to use a car as an additional power source for the house, if necessary, or even to support the capabilities of local power plants in small agglomerations.
Practical value. In connection with the existing problem, it is suggested to install chargers in the places where the car stays the longest in a waiting state: at home or at work. It is also advisable to use «smart» chargers that allow you to save electricity and reduce costs.
Keywords: vehicles, electric car, battery, chargers, «smart» charging, electricity saving.
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