© Viktor Zolotaryov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: 0000-0003-2132-9289; e-mail: kafedradsm@gmail.com
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-3-271-50-56
Abstract. The main positions of the Superpave system regarding the principles and methods of predicting the durability of asphalt concrete in various environmental and transport conditions of their operating are considered. Arguments in favor or unacceptability of bitumen and asphalt concrete quality indicators provided by the system are presented. This concern: methods of design of compositions according to Fuller, assignment of asphalt concretes according to volumetric and spatial characteristics, obtaining of physical and rheological properties of bitumen. Attention is focused on the methods and criteria of laboratory compaction of asphalt concrete samples; attention is paid to the properties of asphalt concrete that give the most objective idea about the work of asphalt concrete in road layers (rutting resistance and fatigue). It is emphasized that the system does not consider water resistance and crack resistance of asphalt concrete. Attention is drawn to difficulties of an instrumental, financial and organizational nature regarding the implementation of the system in Ukraine.
Keywords: bitumen, asphalt concrete, PG-zone, rutting resistance, stiffness, module, composition, compaction, zoning.
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