Article 3 # 3'2022

© Oleksandr Hurko, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, ORCID: 0000-0001-9905-8584, e-mail:;
© Mykola Mykhalevych, Doctor of Engineering, associate professor at the A. B. Gredescula department of Automobile, ORCID: 0000-0001-9890-3838, e-mail:;
© Oleksandr Yarita, Candidate of Engineering associate professor at the A. B. Gredescula department of Automobile, ORCID: 0000-0003-4948-6577, e-mail:;
© Demian Prokopiuk, master-student of Automobile faculty,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-3-271-13-19

Abstract. Research of control systems of vehicle transmission units is an important stage in the process of creating the latest developments in this area. One of the problems on the way to create and adapt to specific operating conditions of control systems of transmission units is an experimental studies of their operation, including as part of the vehicle. The main difficulty in conducting experimental research is often the high cost of the necessary equipment and the problems associated with the reproduction on a particular experimental stand of various operating conditions of the system. One of the solutions to this problem is the use of cyberphysical systems to test vehicle units and study their control systems. The purpose of the work is theoretical substantiation and practical creation of cyberphysical system, which allows to work out algorithms of control of transmission element in different operating conditions without need of its installation on real vehicle and consists of electropneumatic clutch control mechanism realized at physical level and model of vehicle transmission elements. The approaches adopted in the work to achieve this goal are based on the laws of physics, the main processes and phenomena reproduce and study by mathematical modeling. The research technique which allows to combine experimental methods with receptions of mathematical modeling is offered. The concept of cyberphysical modeling of complex devices and their control systems is presented. The process of transition from the physical to the model level of the cyberphysical system is described, the software and hardware means for its realization are offered. The study of the created cyberphysical system and the comparison of the obtained results with the experimental data of the study of the electropneumatic clutch control drive allowed to draw a conclusion about the possibility of using the proposed approach to test vehicle units. The proposed approaches and the given material and technical base can be used in the design of new and research of previously created units and systems of vehicles.
Keywords: cyberphysical model, pneumatic cylinder, DC motor, Arduino, solenoid valve, angle of rotation.

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