© Nataliia Shlyun, Ph.D., Associate Prof., ORCID: 0000-0003-1040-8870
National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Reduction of thermal stress concentration in bitumen material with modified rubber crumbs
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-2-270-60-66
Abstract. The problem of recycling worn-out rubber tires is very relevant in modern ecology, since their material is intended for single use. At the same time, widely practiced their open storage in landfills or underground burial is accompanied by air, wastewater and soil pollution with harmful and toxic fractions. One of the most promising areas for the recycling of automobile tires is associated with the use of rubber pulverization as additives in asphalt concrete pavement material. However, the first attempts to fill bitumen with rubber additives showed that under conditions of changing ambient temperature, along with the positive effects associated with improving the mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures, their negative properties can also appear, leading to rapid aging and destruction of the coating due to chipping of rubber grains. These effects are due to the specific properties of rubber, which consist in its deformability under shear or two-dimensional loading and practical incompressibility under all-round compression. It was found that these shortcomings can be eliminated by modifying crumb rubber before introducing it into bitumen and in the bitumen itself due to special chemical treatment. At the same time, some averaged thermomechanical properties are established in the modified rubber between the properties of rubber and bitumen. The depth of penetration of these properties into rubber crumb depends on its size and the percentage ratio between the components of the bitumen-rubber mixture. In this work, the theoretical modeling of the thermally stressed state of an asphalt concrete material with rubber inclusions coated with an intermediate modified layer was performed using thermoelasticity methods. On the basis of the spherical inclusion model widely used in computational practice without a surface layer and with a layer of different thickness, it was found that with an increase in the depth of penetration of the modification into crumb rubber, the levels of thermal stress concentration in bitumen and their gradients decrease.
Keywords: asphalt concrete pavement, bituminous material, rubber filler, bituminous modification, thermal stress reduction.
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