© Vadym Nevinhlovskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Construction and Property Management, ORCID: 0000-0003-0113-1822, e-mail: nevinglovskiy@ukr.net;
© Vitalii Stozhka, Candidate of Technical of Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Construction and Property Management, ORCID: 0000-0002-5039-9852, e-mail: styozhka@ukr.net
National transport university;
© Mykhailo Shnaider, Director, e-mail: office@aron.ua
LLC «Trade House Aron»
Experience of using the domestic stabilizing additive ARON-BV
for stone-mastic asphalt mixes
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-2-270-56-59
Abstract. The article covers the issue of development, approval, implementation and further use of a domestic stabilizing additive for the production of stone-mastic asphalt mixes. The prerequisite for the creation of such a project was the development of the latest technologies and road construction materials, both on the world and Ukrainian industry markets, as well as the annual growth in the need for such materials during the implementation of infrastructure projects. Based on the results of the work, it was established that the quality of the domestically produced stabilizing additive corresponds to the level of quality of similar imported goods, and its cost is somewhat lower compared to foreign analogues. The total period of implementation of this project is eight years, taking into account the time for: development and approval of the necessary technical and permit documents; launch of a production technological line; approval and introduction of a stabilizing additive; observation for 6-7 years of implemented objects in the first year of implementation of the material; implementation of new facilities using the developed stabilizing additive. The results of this work can be used during the implementation of future infrastructure projects for the restoration and development of public highways, both in terms of ensuring the availability of domestic materials on the domestic market, and in terms of supporting and developing the domestic economy of Ukraine at the appropriate level.
Keywords: wastepaper, stabilizing additive, technical and economic indicator, cellulose fiber, stone-mastic asphalt mixes, stone-mastic asphalt.
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