© Viktor Zolotaryov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Engineering (Dr.), Professor of the Department, е-mail: kafedratdsm@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0003-2132-9289;
© Yaroslav Ilin, Researcher, е-mail: yailin12011993@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0003-2998-3955
(Department of Road Building Materials Technology, Kharkiv National Automobile & Highway University);
© Denys Kipnis, Deputy Director for Reserch, е-mail: kipnis.snok@gmail.com
(SE “Dorcentr”);
© Vitalii Ekimov, Master, Chief Technologist of Avtomagistral-Pivden LLC, е-mail: ekimovdpe@gmail.com
The problem of optimizing laboratory compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-2-270-47-55
Abstract. The problem of ensuring the durability and operation of asphalt concrete layers of non-rigid road surfaces is closely related to the quality of the materials used, their composition and installation technology. The latter includes two defining stages: moving mixtures and their compaction. At the same time, the prediction of the properties of asphalt concrete should be carried out based on the results of laboratory tests, in the process of which the road, climatic and transport conditions of operation of one or another layer are taken into account. Reliable prediction can be ensured if the conditions of laboratory research and production processes are identical. This mostly applies to the laboratory seal, which must match the production seal.
The existing state of affairs does not meet this condition. For many decades, laboratory compaction was carried out by pressing asphalt concrete mixtures under a pressure of 20 MPa with vibration up to 40 MPa. Western European researchers and builders have been aware of this problem for more than 50 years. Due to this, fundamentally new methods of laboratory compaction appeared in the world (impact and vibration-impact type, rolling with metal and pneumatic rollers, displacement with pressure in the case of rotary presses). In Ukrainian practice, such methods are practically not used, despite the fact that the first rolling press was developed in KADI.
The results of comparative studies of asphalt concrete compacted by the following methods: pressing, sector rolling, and rotary compaction are presented. Attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each of them is accepted.
Keywords: asphalt concrete mixture, compaction by pressing, rolling, rotary shear, kinetics of gradual compaction, bitumen content.
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