Article 6 # 2'2022

© Vasyl Redchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Leading Researcher,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5938-1467, e-mail:
DerzhdorNDI SE

On determining the load capacity of highway bridges
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-2-270-40-47

Abstract. Information is provided on the methodological recommendations developed and adopted by Ukravtodor for determining the carrying capacity of road bridges. The main provisions of these recommendations are briefly outlined.
For practical application, the carrying capacity of the bridge is defined as:
– the maximum total mass of the vehicle moving in the column is permissible;
– the maximum total mass of a heavy vehicle moving in a single order is permissible;
– permissible maximum load on the axle of the vehicle.
The initial data for determining the actual carrying capacity of the bridge are the results of its inspection and data from technical documentation. All detected defects and deviations of the structure from the project should be analyzed and taken into account when determining its actual carrying capacity.
The carrying capacity of the bridge is defined as the minimum value, which was determined by checking the boundary states for its main structures: supports, span structures and slabs of the carriageway. Inspections of sections of structures are performed by comparing the calculated force from the time load and the limiting force for the cross-section of the structure to be checked, minus the forces from constant and other loads. Recommendations for the selection of sections that are checked and algorithms for these checks are provided.
When determining the carrying capacity in the form of an acceptable total mass of the vehicle in the column, the temporary load is taken according to the load schemes H-30 and H-40. These loads are truck columns weighing 30 tons each and weighing 40 tons each.
The carrying capacity for the permissible weight of a single heavy vehicle is determined according to the NK-80 scheme (weight parameter 80 tons).
The carrying capacity for the permissible axle load is determined by multiplying the load capacity ratio relative to the load according to the A-11 scheme (weight parameter 12 tons).
Road signs in front of the bridge, which limit the weight parameters of vehicles, must have the value of the actual carrying capacity of the bridge according to the permissible total mass of the vehicle in the column and the permissible axle load, respectively.
Keywords: road bridge, carrying capacity, road signs, technical condition.

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