© Lybomyr Krainyk, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-9126, e-mail: l.kraynyk@gmail.com
Lviv Polytechnic National University;
© Sergij Dun, Candidate of Technical Science, technical director,
ORCID: 0000-0002-0090-2261, e-mail: Sergey.Dun@autokraz.com
“AutoKrAZ” Company;
© О. М. Badejnov, Сandidate of Technical Science, deputy of director, e-mail: Badeynov@gmail.com
Lviv Research Institute of Judicial Examinations;
© Roman Zinko, Doctor of Technical Science, associate professor,
ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-9126, e-mail: rzinko@gmail.com,
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Three-unit tractor-trailers in Ukraine in aspect of program EU «EUROCOMBI»
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-2-270-11-15
Abstract. Efficiency is considered, features of constructions and dynamics of motion of three-unit lorry convoys long 25.25м, that already used in a number of countries of ЄС on internal transportations and is actual for Ukraine, first of all in an agrarian sector and herd trade. In the program «Euro Combi» a «hook-loop» and biaxial trailers do not absolutely appear coupling devices as with the turning, guided axis, that yet until now present person in Ukraine from times of the USSR. The last are characterized by worst firmness of motion, moreover in composition a three-unit lorry convoy, in comparing to the modern construction of trailers with the fixed connivent axes and practically in the program « Euro Combi і» not examined. It is lifted question and corresponding updating of national normative base, that would allow to bring down the prime price of transportations and work-load of motorways.
Keywords: lorry convoy, layout charts, firmness, dirigibility, dynamics of coupling devices, efficiency.
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