© Nataliia Kharytonova, Head of Department; e-mail: nh211177@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0001-5732-3407;
© Olesia Yaroshchuk, Head of the Road Ecological Laboratory,
e-mail: yos_4444@ukr.net, ORCID: 0000-0003-1550-0131
DerzhdorNDI SE
National standard for surface wastewater treatment
from roads
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-269-2-61-65
Abstract. Water is one of the main types of natural resources. An urgent issue in our country is the protection and conservation of water resources, the need for their rational use. Water is a strategic, vital natural resource that provides all spheres of human life and economic activity, determines the possibilities for the development of agriculture, industry, recreation and health improvement. Nowadays one of the most urgent issues is the preservation, purification and restoration of water resources both in our country and in other countries of the world. Recently, the treatment of runoff from roads has been one of the main areas of research, development and improvement of road drainage systems and surface wastewater treatment. Consequently, there is a need to develop a national standard on the methods of surface wastewater treatment from the roads of Ukraine.
Research on the assessment of the impact of surface runoff from roads on the environment is receiving increased attention in many countries of the world. European countries and other countries have extensive experience in the construction of surface wastewater treatment facilities from roads. In our country, the practice of construction of such engineering structures is not sufficiently developed. The initial materials are the review and analysis of works on the use of surface runoff treatment facilities from roads by different countries in different climatic, geological, hydrological conditions.
The result of the work is the developed national standard DSTU 9167: 2021 “Roads. Surface wastewater treatment”. The developed document presents typical schemes for the collection of contaminated runoff from the road surface and their direction to treatment facilities. The standard provides the main types of treatment facilities and proposals for their arrangement depending on the category of road, climatic, landscape conditions, volume of surface runoff.
Keywords: road, treatment facilities, surface drainage, surface wastewater.
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