© Vladislav Zhuravel, Head of the Department of Passenger and Freight Transportation of the Center for Research of Complex Transport Problems,
ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-8200, e-mail: vzhuravel@insat.org.ua
(SE «State Road Transport Research Institute»)
Ways of solving problems during the reorganization of the inn-regional bus connection related to the creation of new territories
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-269-2-30-33
Abstract. The article is devoted to the search for ways of optimal reorganization of intra-regional bus service, during the creation of new territorial communities.
Options for optimizing the route network on the example of a network of intercity and suburban (intra-regional) public bus routes that do not go beyond the territory of Kyiv region, which was approved by the order of the head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration dated November 19, 2018 № 636.The state of the existing route network is analyzed, the examination of the proposals received from the territorial communities of Kyiv region and carriers servicing this route network is carried out, and the expediency and possibility of implementing these proposals during the optimization of the route network by the transportation organizer is considered. It was found that the main reason for the shift of the centers of formation and attraction of passenger flows on public bus routes in suburban and intercity traffic is a change in the state status of some cities, ie the creation of new district centers. Organizational measures are proposed, taking into account the requirements of the transport legislation of Ukraine, regarding the possibility of implementing the provided proposals during the optimization of the existing route network. Based on the results of the examination of the proposals, the transportation organizer was provided with recommendations that must be taken into account to reduce the impact of organizational measures on the social tension in the region. The general directions, ie the road map, on optimization of a route network for both regional, and for regional organizers of transportations within their competence are defined.
Keywords: route network, optimization, local government, transportation organizer, carriers, bus routes.
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