© Lubomyr Kraynyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-9126, e-mail: l.kraynyk@gmail.com
JSC «Ukrautobusprom»
© Olena Lanets, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
ORCID: 0000-0001-7149-0957, e-mail: lanecolena@gmail.com
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Оff-road vehicle mobility: modern methodology and normativ base
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-273-44-52
Abstract. Based on the analysis of the research of the Eastern and Western scientific schools, it was deter-?ined that the basic provisions and known achievements of the Western scientific school should be the basis for the formation of a modern domestic scientific school in the field of design and operation of vehicles with high and increased cross-country ability. It is necessary to take into account the priority direction of the research data in the field of military auto equipment, and therefore the problem of the lack of detailed algorithms or methods of computerized calculation and evaluation of the speed characteristics of the movement of a specific car on various support surfaces, which can be applied to practical use.
The modern trend of the gradual transition of the NATO armies to a new generation of vehicles with the appearance of new models is due to the improvement of anti-mine protection of the crew and passability. And so it was formed in the 60s. In the 20th century, the configuration of the MI requires changes in accordance with the modern development of structures and requirements for them in the conditions of mobile military operations. This also applies to the differentiation of the same value of the axle load factor in the axle load range from 1 to 6 t 9, in which about 90% of the fleet of modern armies is concentrated, into 3 separate values for axle loads. The calcu-?ations are based on the condition of uniform distribution of the nominal load on the axle, which is not always correct for specific designs, especially for different layout schemes (hooded or hoodless). The same circumstance is also characteristic of the second NATO-standardized indicator of the vehicle’s structural passability, which elimi-?ates the real differences in the mobility of the same type and small-sized cars.
Based on the review and analysis of modern research in the field of cross-country mobility and off-road mobility, the main provisions for the formation and assessment of the layout and suspension of high and increased cross-country cars and the conditions for maximum cross-country mobility, as well as the corresponding national standard, are presented.
Keywords: off-road, vehicle, performance, mobility of movement, layout, suspension, standard.
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