© Ihor Khitrov, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Transport Technology and Technical Service Department, ORCID: 0000-0003-2310-1472, e-mail: i.o.khitrov@nuwm.edu.ua National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Modelling of the safe traffic conditions of the intersection with nerby railway tracks. DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-273-30-34
Abstract. Highway are extremely important for the economic development of Ukraine. Road intersections are the critical part of the road network in terms of capacity, service level and safety. This is a place where oppose traf-fic flows are constantly changing and thus changing the traffic situation. To study the safety of traffic, we have chosen the problematic intersection of the city of Dubno, the intersec-tion of Mostova and Kremenetska streets, which are main roads with intensive round-the-clock traffic flow. The main feature of this intersection is the proximity location of the railway crossing. The PTV Vissim software was used to simulate the driving conditions of this intersection. As the initial data for modeling the intersection were used: observations of traffic flows, the number of vehicles, their distribution at the intersection, accumulation at a prohibited traffic light signal while waiting for a train. It is established, that the distribution of traffic flows in the main direction is 73,6%, while the left turn is made by 26,4%. The intersection is characterized by the 24-hour saturated traffic flow with frequent traffic stopping of vehicles of the main direction, which is due to the movement of trains. From the point view of the organization of traffic safety, the following road situations are observed: difficult driving; non-compliance with the trajectory of turning vehicles due to the overall features of transport or the choice of an insufficient trajectory of changing the direction of movement; the choice of an insufficient rounding radius for turning right (especially observed at night); the difficulty of performing a left turn, when the signal of the main direction railway crossing is prohibited. In order to speed up the passage of the intersection by vehicles, reduce the risk of traffic accidents while wait-ing for the train to pass, the convenience of crossing the road by pedestrians should be provided for: 1. Two traffic lanes in the main direction; 2. Pedestrian crossing of the main direction; 3. Marking traffic by traffic lanes; 4. Arrangement of modern lighting. Thus, the proposed measures will improve the efficiency and safety of crossing intersection, especially in the case of nearby railway tracks. The simulated traffic conditions for passing the intersection by vehicles indicate a positive trend, namely: a decrease in the delay time for passing the intersection when making a left turn by 50.6% and an increase in the overall speed of traffic by 24.3%. Keywords: crossroads, vehicles, railway tracks, traffic flow, safety, modeling.
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