© Andrii Gorpyniuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD),
Head of the Center, ORCID: 0000-0002-6899-9469,
e-mail: agorpinuk@insat.org.ua;
© Lyudmyla Gorpyniuk, Advisor to the Deputy Director,
e-mail: lgorpinuk@insat.org.ua;
© Serhii Taraban, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD),
Head of Department, ORCID: 0000-0002-3886-7369,
e-mail: staraban@insat.org.ua;
© Serhii Variukhno, Engineer, ORCID: 0000-0001-7854-7418,
e-mail: svaruhno@insat.org.ua
Department of Transport Safety Research, Issues of Normalization, Standardization and Metrology of Center of Scientific Research in Field of Transport Safety of SE “State Road Transport Research Institute”
Safety of pedestrian on the road in the dark time of the day in the conditions of rolling blackouts and emergency power outages in Ukraine DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-273-23-29
Abstract. The issue of ensuring the safety of pedestrians during their movement in the dark, in particular in the absence of street lighting (in connection with rolling blackouts and emergency power outages caused by massive Russian missile attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine) was considered, with the coverage of this aspect traffic safety, like the behavior of pedestrian. An analysis of the experience of European countries in the issue of pedestrian safety at night has been carried out. In particular, it was found out that in the legislation of certain European countries (in particular, such as Norway, Great Britain, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic), norms are defined regarding the mandatory use of light-reflecting elements (flickers) by pedestrians in the dark. At the same time, the factors affecting the risk of traffic accidents in conditions of insufficient visibility were considered, in particular, such as insufficient lighting or the complete absence of road lighting, pedestrians not using light-reflecting elements (flickers) or bright clothing, especially at dusk and in night time. Recommendations were also made regarding possible actions to strengthen the safety of pedestrians at the national level during their movement in the dark, in particular in the part related to the introduction of changes to the tasks and measures for the implementation of the State program for improving the level of road safety in Ukraine for the period until 2023 of the year, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.12.2020 No. 1287 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.07.2021 No. 706), paying due attention to measures aimed at improving pedestrian safety. Keywords: car, traffic safety, pedestrian, light-reflecting element, flicker.
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