© Volodymyr Biletskyi, Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service,
ORCID: 0000-0001-7235-6442,
e-mail: volodymyrbiletsky56@gmail.com;
© Oleksandr Ivanushko, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service, ORCID: 0000-0003-3759-5856, e-mail: ivanushko_o@ukr.net;
© Andrii Loboda, Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service, ORCID: 0000-0002-6956-3288, e-mail: andreyloboda7@gmail.com;
© Oleksandr Buhaichuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Service, ORCID: 0000-0001-8646-6263, e-mail: bug_os@ukr.net
National Transport University;
© Roman Lovha, manager, ORCID: 0000-0001-9051-6550, e-mail: lovga@webeye.com.ua
“WebEye” (Ukraine)
Overview of information and communication technologies and vehicle monitoring systems and analysis of their possibilities for the formation and implementation of innovative technologies for maintenance and repair of vehicles. DOI 10.33868/0365-8392-2022-1-273-8-16
Abstract. Preventive maintenance is performed at fixed intervals based on pre-made statistical estimates of when a failure may occur or when a part may need to be replaced. Predictive maintenance is performed at unfixed intervals that are determined based on predictive estimates of when a failure may occur or when a part may need to be replaced. The predictive maintenance system is based on the automated collection and automated processing of all technical information necessary to predict the most optimal intervals. This possibility is provided by innovative information technologies for monitoring vehicles connected to the internet. An overview of the possibilities of infor-mation and communication technologies and monitoring systems in road transport, in particular, technologies connected to the Internet vehicles, which allow developing and implementing innovative maintenance and repair technologies, was conducted. The possibilities of connecting “unconnected” cars to the Internet are considered and given. The potential possibilities of a gradual transition from a planned and preventive maintenance system to a “predictive” system, which is based on the constant monitoring of the processes of changing diagnostic parameters and related parameters characterizing the modes and conditions of operation of the engine, transmission and the vehicle as a whole, are analyzed. A review of the current state of development, implementation and application of service systems “on operational need” and forecasting processes of changing the technical condition and forecasting the possibility of malfunctions for their prevention in motor vehicle enterprises was carried out. The main conclusions are drawn based on the analysis of informational materials and work experience of such companies as Stratio Automotive, Pitstop Connect, Web Eye, as well as BOSCH, LAUNCH, and Electronic Team Inc.
Keywords: innovative technology, information technology, vehicle monitoring system, connected vehicle, remote diagnosis, real-time monitoring of diagnostic parameters, preventive maintenance system, predictive maintenance system, prediction of changes in technical condition, automated system maintenance planning, vehicle location monitoring.
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