DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2021-4-268-6-15
© Viktor Gorytskyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Engineering (Dr.), Professor, Director, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-5903-1368;
© Oleksii Klymenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Engineering (Dr.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Research, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-2323-6839 (State Enterprise “State Road Transport Research Institute”)
Abstract. The Concept of state policy implementation in the field of regulation of environmental properties of wheeled vehicles in life cycle is presented in the order of discussion. The purpose of the Concept is to determine the principles of creating a regulatory framework, tools, and consistent and systematic measures to implement effective public policy in the field of regulation of essential environmental properties of wheeled vehicles in life cycle to ensure: reduction of emissions of toxic substances in road transport and improve quality of atmospheric air of cities; decrease in other manifestations of man-caused pressure of road transport on the environment and people; in general, improving the living conditions of people in cities; reduction of energy consumption by transport; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from transport; overall reduction of the negative impact of the transport and road infrastructure and related industries on the environment. Suggestions for terminology and definitions in this area are provided. Finally, ways and means to solve the selected problems are described. Keywords: wheeled vehicles, road transport, systems management, environmental properties, energy efficiency, environmental pollution, life cycle.
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