Article 1 #4 2021

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
The State Enterprise
“State Road Transport Research Institute”
The State Enterprise
“State Road Research Institute named after M. Shulgin”

All-Ukrainian scientific-and-practical conference
“Prospects for the development of road transport and infrastructure”
23–25 November, 2021

Format: videoconference (online)

The objective of the conference is to discuss and elaborate scientific, expert-analytical and informational foundations for determining the state, problems, trends, prospects and appropriate strategies for the development of road transport, infrastructure and related industries in Ukraine in view of international integration and global challenges, exchange of experience and synergy.
The major thematic directions:
o The state, problems, trends, prospects and strategies for the development of road transport, transport engineering, road transport infrastructure, energy of the transport sector, related industries, determining the priorities of the state policy, stimulation and technical regulation.
o Transport systems, economics of road transportation, logistics, supply chains, complex transport aspects, international integration, European and national transport policies, international road transportation – prospects for development, problems and ways to solve them.
o Strategic directions for road infrastructure development and related issues of road traffic safety, challenges and prospects for improvement. Modern materials and technologies for construction and renovation of road infrastructure’s objects. Current issues of environmental protection in road construction and road operation.
o Technologies and innovations, aspects of energy, energy efficiency, environmental protection (including climate change), safety and economics, related to the creation, operation, disposal and, in general, the life cycle of motor vehicles and objects of the infrastructure.
o Trends on development of motor vehicle design. Prospects for internal combustion engines. Battery electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. Hybrid technologies. Fuel cells vehicles. Hydrogen energy and transport. Other alternative energy sources, diversification. Tires, lubricants and other consumables.
o Transport engineering, problems of domestic automotive and related industries, ways to solve them. Materials science and durability of materials, coatings, constructions. Dynamics and strength of machines and buildings. Theory, modelling, equipment and technologies for the development of new samples of technology.
o Technical regulations and conformity assessment of products. Modern technologies, methods, systems and tools for the development, research and conformity assessment of design of motor vehicles and their components.
o Electronics, communication and electrical equipment of vehicles and infrastructure. Information and telecommunication technologies in transport. Intelligent transport systems. Cyber security in transport.
o Mathematical simulation in solving applied problems in transport systems and mechanical engineering.
o Maintenance and repair, service. Regulatory, methodical and instrumental provision of obligatory technical control, assessment of suitability for operation and technical roadside inspection of vehicles. Ensuring the safety of vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design.
o Quality management systems. Accreditation of laboratories and conformity assessment bodies. Standardization. Metrological provision.
o Organisation of scientific activity, development of competencies, training of specialists in transport, road, machine-building and other related fields.