© Artur Onyshchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Head of the Bridges, Tunnels and Hydraulic Engineering Department,
e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-1040-4530
(National Transport University);
© Oleg Fedorenko, Head of the Department of Operation and Traffic Safety,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3628-4298
(State Agency of Motor Roads of Ukraine),
© Volodymyr Zelenovskiy, Head of Road Technologies Department, e-mail:
ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-5456 (DerzhdorNDI SE)
© Oleg Tsekhansky, Technical Director,
ORCID: 0000-0001-3834-4285
Abstract. This paper considers the application of European experience, the latest innovative technologies and the latest reinforcing materials Adfors GlasGrid in the construction and repair of asphalt pavements on roads and bridges. The performed scientific researches and practical experience of the last years have shown that increase of durability of asphalt concrete can be reached by its macroreinforcement with use of synthetic grids. This increases its tensile strength and improves the ability to absorb tensile thermal stresses. This increases the resistance of asphalt concrete layers to tensile stress, which increases their temperature crack resistance. The mechanism of operation of reinforcing mesh in asphalt concrete layers is explained by the following scheme – with the advent of tensile stresses in asphalt concrete they begin to perceive, joining the work, reinforcing mesh. The reinforcing grid in asphalt concrete layers increases resistance to tensile forces at change of temperature and promotes durability.
Problem statement. Despite the widespread use of asphalt concrete layers in road construction and extensive experience in improving their quality, destruction in the form of transverse, longitudinal cracks with decreasing temperature and the action of pneumatic wheels of vehicles remain one of the most common. The appearance of cracks, landslides and tracks is a source of further destruction of both the asphalt concrete layers and all pavement.
Ensuring the durability of asphalt pavement is an important task in the construction of streets, roads and bridges. This issue is especially relevant due to the increased need for reconstruction or repair of existing pavement, which already has transverse, longitudinal cracks and tracks. In this case, copying cracks quickly appear in the asphalt concrete layers above the existing cracks as a result of changes in temperature and the action of the pneumatic wheels of vehicles.
Materials and methods. Asphalt concrete pavements on highways and bridges with improved physical and mechanical properties due to the use of reinforcing mesh. Reinforced asphalt concrete layers of non-rigid pavement. The necessary properties of materials were determined by experimental methods and the reliability of theoretical solutions was checked.
Results. An analytical review of domestic and international experience in improving the quality of road surfaces and bridges, improving their efficiency and durability, as well as improving the economic efficiency of geosynthetic reinforcing materials Adfors GlasGrid.
Conclusions. Based on the performed analytical review of world and domestic experience in the use of geosynthetic reinforcing materials Adfors GlasGrid on roads and bridges, the feasibility of using such materials has been established. Also, the advantages of their use in comparison with other reinforcing materials are determined. Examples of application of such materials at construction sites in Kyiv are shown.
Keywords: motor road, bridges, reinforced asphalt concrete layers, reinforcing mesh, crack resistance, durability, coatings on bridges, viscoelastic solutions, elastic solutions, thermorheological passport of materials.
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