Article 7 #2 2021


© Tetiana Bondar, e-mail:,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9693-5545;
© Olga Belenchuk, e-mail:,
ORCID: 0000-0003-0525-0546;
© Yevhen Tepliuk, e-mail:,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5581-4798;
© Oleksandr Pyna, e-mail:,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5808-4679
(DerzhdorNDI SE)


Abstract. Road safety management begins with a detailed analysis of accidents, which is reflected in Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic” which states that when performing repairs and maintenance of roads, streets and railway crossings road maintenance organizations in the first place should take measures for road safety on the basis of accounting and analysis of road accidents, results of inspections and surveys of roads, streets and railway crossings, and especially in emergency and dangerous areas and in places of concentration of road accidents.
The problem of reducing the accident rate and reducing the number of victims of road accidents during the maintenance of roads has so far been solved mainly by identifying areas (places) of concentration of accidents with the development of measures to improve road conditions and improve the organization of traffic on them and conducting annual commission spring and autumn inspections of the road network by representatives of road organizations and the police.
However, the areas of concentration of road accidents were not fully covered on the road network of local significance due to the lack of accurate reference of the places of accident in the accident registration cards, as well as they were not identified on the streets and roads of cities and other settlements due to the absence of any criteria for their identification and therefore the maximum efficiency from introduction of management of sites (places) of concentration of road accident isn’t reached.
The article analyzes the criteria for determining the areas of concentration of accidents on public roads in different periods, examines the dynamics of the number of areas of concentration of accidents and considers other modern opportunities for effective traffic safety management, in particular, inspection (inspection) of existing roads.
Keywords: accident, highways, road safety, areas (places) of concentration of road accidents, black spots, road safety inspections.

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