DOI:10.33868/0365-8392-2021-2-266-36-45 © Liydmila Nagrebelna, Head of Road Safety Center, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-5615-9075; © Alla Kononenko, Researcher, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-4826-0373 (DerzhdorNDI SE) Abstract. Route guidance tools have a significant impact on road safety on public roads, as they carry important information on route guidance: provide drivers with information on the location on a specified road, regularly confirm the planned direction of movement, timely inform road users about the change of specified route direction and indicate the distance to the final object. This is very important information for the driver and it is difficult to overestimate it in road safety. Timely informing of drivers on the route direction will allow them carrying out adjustments in advance and feel confident on the road. Ensuring the completeness of route guidance information prevents emergency braking of vehicles in the area of traffic junctions and violation of the maneuvering rules to make a turn / turnaround in the right direction, and such maneuvers lead to road accidents. The establishment of a uniform route guidance system will reduce the road accident level and the cost of transportation due to excessive mileage of vehicles in the case of wrong route and help the drivers freely and easily get to their destination. The main need for information is felt by the drivers of vehicles whose actions directly impact the road safety. This, in turn, determines the basic principles and requirements for the composition, placement and choice of information tools. During the trip, the drivers need the information that would allow them navigating freely on the roads when passing the selected route that will relieve the stress of drivers and reduce the probability of road accidents, as well as increase the capacity of roads. It helps the drivers to adjust the previously selected route taking into account the real traffic conditions during the trip thereby minimizing the time consumption. To navigate the roads during movement, the drivers need the information about streets, objects and directions. Such information is provided by information signs, with which the road network must be equipped in sufficient quantity. The information provision should differ depending on the settlements, public roads and traffic conditions. A comprehensive solution of the issue of quality information provision to the road users can be achieved only by establishing a uniform route guidance system for road users which will take into account the needs for information of different categories of road users. Keywords: uniform system, route guidance, road signs, highways. ESTABLISHMENT OF A UNIFORM ROUTE GUIDANCE SYSTEM IN UKRAINE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE WORLD’S BEST PRACTICES TO IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY References 1. Nahrebelna L., Polishchuk V. (2018). Do pytannia pro zatory na vulychno-dorozhnii merezhi mist. LXXIV naukova konferentsiia profesorsko-vykladatskoho skladu, aspirantiv, studentiv ta spivrobitnykiv vidokremlenykh strukturnykh pidrozdiliv universytetu. – K.: NTU, 2018. – 564 c. Retrieved 28.03.2021. [in Ukraine]. 2. Nahrebelna L., Polishchuk V. (2020) Use of Queuing Theory for Improvement of Traffic Management on the Main Street and Road Network of Cities. 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