DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2021-1-265-56-63
© Maria Olkhova, Junior Researcher, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-4723-5301 (DerzhdorNDI SE)
Abstract. Road studs is dotted devices with retroreflective elements or internal light sources fixed or embedded in the pavement of carriage way and / or on the roadside and by light signals warn, inform or guide road users in conditions of insufficient lighting.
Road studs are intended for improving the visual orientation of drivers at dark time of the day and in adverse weather conditions on the highways, streets and roads of settlements.
According to statistics, about 50% of all traffic accidents and accidents with fatalities and / or injuries occur on the highways in the dark time (night, morning and evening twilights).
First road studs occurred on the roads in 1947. The inventor, Percy Shaw, had patented the device and opened his own factory for its production. After that their mass production, improvement and distribution worldwide, including Ukraine started.
After the analysis of road studs usage in different countries, a new edition of GOST was developed, which allow considering in detail the location, requirements for color, installation methods, forms of the road studs, etc.
According to foreign experts, the retro reflectivity is important for visual orientation in the dark time and has a positive impact on the traffic safety.
Usage of retroreflective elements on the highways will increase the visibility of path of movement and stationary objects, which will significantly improve the safety of road users.
Keywords: road studs, retroreflective elements, road safety, road accidents, highway.
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