Vyrozhemskyi, V. K., Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Ph.D.), First Deputy Director of Scientific Work; Kishchinsky, S. V., Head of the Center; Kopinets, I. V., Head of the Department of Road Construction; Sokolova, O. B., Researcher Assistant; Gudyma, I. V., Researcher Assistant; Yunak, A. L., Researcher Assistant State Enterprise “M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute”
Influence of technological temperatures on adhesion of bitumen, modified by adhesive additives, with mineral material
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2018-2-254-28-33
Abstract. The results of the research for determination of the impact of technological temperatures on the adhesion of bitumen modified with adhesive additives with aggregate are presented in the article. It was established that under the influence of technological temperatures as a result of insufficient thermal stability of adhesive additives, the adhesion of bitumen modified by these additives with aggregate is reduced.
Keywords: adhesive additive, asphalt concrete, bitumen, water resistance, adhesivity, thermal stability.
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