DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2021-1-265-43-51
© Artur Onyshchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), Head of the Bridges, Tunnels and Hydraulic Engineering Department, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-1040-4530 (National Transport University);
© Volodymyr Zelenovskiy, Head of Road Technologies Department, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-5456 (DerzhdorNDI SE)
Abstract. Introduction. This paper considers the issue of improving the quality of coatings on road reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete bridges or metal bridges with orthotropic slab. The constructive decisions of increase of working capacity and fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coverings are offered. The results of the analysis of experimental researches of physical and mechanical properties of epoxy asphalt concrete are given. The efficiency of epoxy components in asphalt concrete mixtures, which significantly improve the physical and mechanical properties of bitumen, is shown. According to the results of experimental laboratory tests, a comparative analysis of the properties of epoxy asphalt concrete and source asphalt concrete on viscous and rarefied bitumen is given. Also, the influence of the duration and temperature of curing of epoxy components on the properties of epoxy asphalt concrete was analyzed.
Problem statement. In today’s conditions of high-speed intensive traffic, high traffic loads and adverse weather and climatic factors that occur in our country, increasing the durability of pavements on bridges to increase service life and reduce costs associated with maintenance, requires special attention. One of the effective ways to improve the quality and durability of asphalt pavements on road bridges is the modification of bitumen by using as the main material thermosetting polymer additives, in our case – epoxy components (epoxy resin and its hardener).
Objective. The purpose of the analysis of experimental studies of physical and mechanical properties of epoxy asphalt concrete is to study the possibility of its use as a pavement on highways. As well as confirmation of efficiency in solving the problem of achieving increased fatigue life of such coatings at different load frequencies by increasing track resistance, strength, crack resistance and at the same time solving no less important issue to minimize the cost of repair and construction work during bridge operation.
Materials and methods. Asphalt concrete coverings on orthotropic or reinforced concrete slab of the carriageway of the bridge with improved physical and mechanical properties due to the use of thermosetting polymer additives as a bitumen modifier.
Results. The analysis of experimental researches of physical and mechanical properties of epoxy asphalt concrete is carried out and efficiency of its application for improvement of quality of coverings on road bridges and increase of their durability is defined. A set of studies was conducted to compare the properties of epoxy asphalt concrete and source asphalt concrete on viscous and rarefied bitumen.
Conclusions. To increase the fatigue life of asphalt pavements on road bridges in modern conditions of high traffic intensity in our region with a wide range of operating temperatures, it is necessary to develop new solutions for the use of building materials. That is why the study of physical and mechanical properties of asphalt concretes improved by thermosetting polymer additives in order to determine their true effectiveness in improving track resistance, strength and crack resistance of coatings based on them is an urgent issue today. The use of epoxy-asphalt concrete coating on orthotropic or reinforced concrete slab of the carriageway of the bridge requires special attention in establishing the optimal duration and curing temperature of epoxy components, which can dramatically affect its physical and mechanical properties and determine the cooking technology.
Keywords: epoxy asphalt concrete, epoxy asphalt concrete mixture, physical and mechanical properties of epoxy asphalt concrete, composition of epoxy asphalt concrete mixtures, epoxy resin, road bitumen, modification of bitumen, properties of bitumen, durability of paving.
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