V. B. Ageev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, First Deputy Director of Scientific Work;
A.V. Horpinyuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of Scientific Work;
A. R. Khabutdinov, Head of Department, Postgraduate Student;
V. M. Koskovetsky, Senior Researcher
(the State Enterprise “State Road Transport Research Institute”)
Use of SafeFITS mathematical modeling in a road safety management system
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2018-2-254-7-15
Abstract. The results of the work of the UNECE ITC on the development of the SafeFITS tool were reviewed, the indicators proposed in the framework of this tool for assessing the effectiveness of making management decisions in order to ensure road safety were analyzed and the possibility and relevance of its application in Ukraine were considered.
Keywords: road safety, road traffic incident, road traffic fatalities and injuries, road safety performance indicators (RSPI), road safety management system.
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