Article 9 # 3’2020

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-3-263-47-53
© Yuriy Hostev, Head of the Department; e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-0351-9591;
© Tetyana Kostrulova, Lead Engineer; e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-9554-1285
(Road Equipment Department M. P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise);
© Maksym Goshva, Junior Researcher; e-mail:
Abstract. Road signs form the framework of the driver’s decision making system in the process of driving the vehicle, in the places of confluence, separation and intersection of traffic and pedestrian flows. The most important thing in road signs is their brightness and retroflection at night; signs should have clear feedback. The more fully and clearly the driver is informed about the conditions and the necessary modes of traffic, the more accurate and error-free are his actions.
Based on the results of the analysis of road accident statistics, most accidents occur due to the driver’s inability to adequately assess the situation under conditions of insufficient visibility of road markings, signs and inadequate lighting.
According to the research results, it is established that improvement of visibility of road markings and signs can provide accident rate reduction on 10-30%.
Statistics show that about 27% of road accidents are due to driver inattention or loss of concentration. In Ukraine, almost no such studies are conducted, but according to the traffic police, 50% of road accidents in the city are also caused by fatigue or loss of concentration of drivers.
The actual task to level out the above factors is to use quality and informative road signs that will draw the driver’s attention to the elements of road situation (the presence of pedestrian crossings, possible complications of traffic conditions, the trajectory of their own vehicle, etc.).
The article presents the requirements for road signs of different countries and compares them with domestic requirements.
The results of field research of road signs on the road of national importance M-05 Kyiv – Odesa for 2018 are presented. The analysis of the obtained indicators of the quality of road signs allows determining the main inconsistencies with the regulations and possible causes of the inconsistency. The obtained data were also used to develop amendments for the existing regulations.
The principles of road signs monitoring on roads in the USA were considered.
Keywords: visibility, road sign, contrast, color coordinates and brightness.

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