DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-2-262-47-52
© Mykola Stulii, Head of Department, ORCID: 0000-0003-2980-1576;
© Tetiana Lisnichenko, Leading Engineer, ORCID: 0000-0002-3188-1555
(e-mail:; Normal Inspection Department of the Center of Normal Inspection, Conformance Evaluation and International Cooperation of N.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise)
Abstract. The article deals with the main tasks and functions of engineering and technical support during the new construction, reconstruction and major overhaul of public roads and the standard of organization of Ukraine SOU 42.1-37641918-087:2019 «Engineering and technical support for the construction of road facilities», which was developed as a result of the revision of the standard approved in 2013.
Comparison of standards and familiarization with new regulations and requirements, which are brought into compliance with the current legislation, building codes and normative documents, will be used during engineering and technical support.
Engineering and technical support for the construction of road objects is the activity of one or more organizations aimed at providing organizational and technical services of engineering and technical character at different stages of the life cycle of construction of road objects.
It is an optimal and cost-effective way of guaranteeing the exact adherence to the course of construction, safety measures and compliance of the object of construction with the conditions of the design documentation, which ensures the quality of construction works, compliance with the terms of their fulfilment, increases safety level and reliability of the object of construction during its construction and operation.
The purpose of engineering and technical support for the construction of road objects is to control the quality of road construction works, materials, products and structures and the reliability of the construction object. This is achieved by continuous monitoring of compliance with the requirements of building codes and standards, rules of performance of works, quality control of building materials, products and structures throughout the period of work (at the stages of design, fulfilment and completion of construction), starting from preparatory works and ending with the commissioning of the object.
Keywords: author supervision, consulting engineer, engineering and technical support, design and technological documentation, technical supervision.
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