Article 7 # 2’2020

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-2-262-43-47
© Vitalii Yastrubinetskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Leading Researcher, ORCID: 0000-0002-4837-3303,
e-mail: (DerzhdorNDI SE);
© Petro Koval , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Department Chair, ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-5900
(National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture);
© Serhii Zavhorodnii, Research Officer,
ORCID: 0000-0003-1928-4544, e-mail:;
© Maksym Borysenko, Research Assistant,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9772-3536, e-mail:
(DerzhdorNDI SE)

Abstract. When determining the operating condition of the bridge, one of the determining factors is to ensure its reliable and trouble-free operation.
Therefore, the establishment of the actual load capacity of the bridge is an important procedure on which depends the correct assessment of its operational condition. The method of estimating the load capacity of bridges takes into account the calculation of individual random variables, such as physical and mechanical properties of materials, characteristics of temporary loads, etc., and this gives inaccuracies in determining the load capacity of the structure as a whole. Therefore, it is proposed to determine the load-bearing capacity of girder structures of bridges by the probabilistic method, which allows to more objectively determine the load-carrying capacity according to current standards while ensuring the required level of reliability, and to identify and use load-bearing capacity reserves of reinforced concrete beams. Reinforced concrete girder structures of road bridges on the roads of Ukraine, the mass construction of which began in the 50-60s of the last century, mainly consist of prefabricated beams or slabs, which were manufactured in specialized industries. During the period of mass design and construction of bridges in the USSR from the middle of the twentieth century, it was impossible to perform the spatial calculation of the girder structure with the then existing means of computer technology. Developers of typical designs of girder structures of bridges used approximate semi-empirical methods. The participation of a single beam (slab) in the work of the girder structure was estimated by the socalled «coefficient of transverse installation».
Well known methods of spatial calculation of reinforced concrete bridge spans for their load capacity determination of are considered. During multi-beam spans calculation it is proposed to determine the estimated forces in certain beams proportionally to the deflections of these beams. During the calculation of steel reinforced concrete spans it is also proposed that the total tensile stresses along the lower edge to be taken as the designed factors.
Keywords: load capacity, road bridge , span construction, spatial calculation.

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