Article 5 # 2’2020

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-2-262-29-35
© Serhii Tolmachov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Road Building Materials Technology and Chemistry, ОRCID: 0000-0003-1011-3861, e-mail: (Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University)
© Serhii Solodkyy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Highways and Bridges, ORCID: 0000-0001-9829-5123, e-mail: (Lviv Polytechnic National University)


Abstract. Nowadays accelerating the operation of monolithic concrete bases and pavements is impossible due to the certain conservativeness of the views, which is established in the applicable regulatory documents. According to regulations, it is possible to operate these courses no earlier than after 28 days of hardening. To ensure the efficient operation of high-performance concrete paving machines (GOMACO and WIRTGEN pavers), which are now available to road construction companies in Ukraine, it is necessary to provide an accelerated strength gain of concrete.
Current article discusses the traffic operation possibility on the constructed cement concrete bases and rigid type pavements after 3…7 days of concrete hardening on the basis of the conducted researches. The study was conducted using several cements produced by PJSC “Dickerhoff Cement Ukraine”, this article presents the test results of cements PC I-500 N and PC II/A-Sh-500. The laboratory and core sample tests results of cement concrete pavement show, that the use of high quality aggregates, modern high-activity Portland cement and superplasticizers provides high early strength of concrete. It is shown, that after 3…7 days of curing it is possible to make operational bases and pavements produced with such concrete at 70% of project strength which corresponds to 30 … 40 MPa after 3 days of hardening. The obtained results correspond to the classical technology of concrete mixtures paving with a set of concrete paving machines, as well as the technology of stiff mixtures paving by means of an asphalt paver and roller compaction. Core samples were taken from pavements and bases during the scientific and technical support of the roads and airfields construction. The direct tests results confirm the results of laboratory concrete tests.
Keywords: cement concrete, Portland cement, superplasticizer, rigid pavement, start of operation.

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