Article 4 # 2’2020

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-2-262-21-28
© Mykhailo Hrubel, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-4820-6935 (Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy);
© Lybomyr Krainyk, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-0524-9126;
© Vitalii Khoma, student, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-9900-855X
(Lviv Polytechnic National University)


Abstract. A method for assessing vehicle mobility and performance of wheeled MAE samples in off-road conditions based on MATLAB Simulink simulation tools has been developed. This method is based on a basic mathematical model in accordance with empirical dependencies, which have been worked out over the last 15-20 years by the “Eastern” School of Terramechanics. It was also used the WES (Waterways Experiment Station) practical methods for assessing the bearing capacity of the movement supporting surface (soil, sand, etc.), based on a standardized measurement of the deformation resistance of a specified supporting surface by a conical penetrometer, called CI (the Cone Index). Taking this method into consideration, the calculation of technically possible maximum velocity of movement Vmax of a particular wheeled MAE model on a given supporting surface with certain physical and mechanical deformation characteristics was performed. Its adequacy is confirmed by the convergence of the results obtained from modeling and experimental studies. The obtained results can serve as a basis for determining the parameters of wheeled MAE and updating the normative base for vehicle mobility and performance.
It should be noted that there are significant tangible differences in the quantitative assessment of the maximum speeds of wheeled MAE along different supporting surfaces on the empirical dependencies of the “Eastern” and “Western” Scientific Schools, which is confirmed by experimental studies. The obtained results can serve as a basis for determining the parameters of wheeled MAE and updating he normative base for vehicle mobility and performance.
Keywords: simulation model of movement, wheeled MAE, off-road, maximum possible speed of movement.

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