Article 1 # 2’2020

DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-2-262-2-7
© Volodymyr Sakhno, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-5144-7131, e-mail: (NTU);
© Vasyl Mateichyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, ORCID: 0000-0002-3683-7246, e-mail: (NTU);
© Volodymyr Kaskiv, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, ORCID: 0000-0002-8074-6798, e-mail: (SE “M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute”);
© Volodymyr Fedorov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, ORCID: 0000-0002-1085-5112, e-mail: (NTU)

Abstract. Vehicle noise has a negative impact on human health. Noise can be caused by occupational diseases, increased morbidity, decreased performance, increased risk of injuries and accidents related to the violation of the perception of warning signals, impaired auditory control of the functioning of technological equipment, and reduced productivity. To reduce the level of vehicle noise generated by motor vehicles on the motorways, noise protection structures are widely used in Ukraine. These facilities are of many types, depending on overall dimensions, material, acoustic properties, etc. There are many techniques for calculating their acoustic performance. However, despite the world experience and high cost, these facilities in Ukraine are not yet subject to mandatory certification tests. The necessity of certification of noise protection facilities installed along the highways is justificated. Two ways of determining the acoustic efficiency of these structures are proposed: establishing the sound-absorbing and sound-insulating properties of the materials of these facilities and testing the latter in field conditions, as close as possible to the real ones.
Keywords: vehicle noise, noise protection facilities, certification, sound absorption, sound insulation, material, acoustic efficiency.

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