Volodymyr Fedorov, PhD, Associate Professor;
Vasyl Yanovsky, PhD, Associate Professor;
V.O., Feshchenko, Master Degree (National Transport University)
DOI: 10.33868/0365-8392-2020-1-261-27-31
Abstarct. There has been a war in Ukraine for 6 years. In this regard, the production of military equipment has increased significantly, including. armored vehicles. Serious requirements are imposed on any military equipment. This paper focuses on the reduction of the external noise of the Dozor-B armored vehicle both in terms of ecology and in terms of camouflage. The technical characteristics of the mentioned armored car and its main sources of noise are briefly discussed. It is concluded that the body emits a significant level of noise, and therefore it is important to reduce the total external noise of the armored car by reducing the noise emitted by the body of the latter. The dissertation work of Krutolapov V.Ye. was analyzed. “A method of improving the vibroacoustic characteristics of the car body using vibration damping materials.” The dissertation deals with the method of measuring the amplitude-frequency characteristic of a plate with a damping coating, called “obst”. We have pointed out the disadvantages developed by Krutolapov V.Ye. bituminous coated plates and suggested their solution. A method of reducing the level of external noise of armored vehicles by coating their housings with a multilayer damping coating is proposed. The algorithm of calculation of the mentioned covering is developed. The choice of the necessary materials is made on the basis of their acoustic properties, heat resistance and cost. The number of coating layers is calculated based on the required acoustic effect, cost and weight of the structure. The acoustic efficiency of the developed three-layer damping coating was calculated, as well as the estimation of the external noise reduction of the Dozor-B armored car for a number of speeds of the latter on the main cycle on the road due to the application of this coating. Keywords: transport, armored car, armed forces, fire support machine, military equipment, engine, power unit, noise, camouflage, ecology, noise source, housing, acoustic efficiency, wave impedance, sound penetration coefficient, multi-layer vibration damping material.
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